Landing and Listing Page builder with EBT/EPT modules


Historically, Drupal contrib modules have provided only basic styles for Pages, Blocks, Views, etc. While this can serve as a good foundation for custom layouts and creating unique designs for pages, these custom solutions and layouts are typically tied to a specific theme and design system tailored for a particular site or group of sites. This makes it difficult to extract and share parts of the theme with other sites.

The EBT (Extra Block Types) and EPT (Extra Paragraph Types) modules help decouple components on the site from the custom theme:

For site developers, the EBT/EPT modules provide a unified approach to extending settings forms, templates, and CSS/JS assets. These modules also help you to contribute your components to as contrib modules directly from your projects.

For site builders, the EBT/EPT modules offer an out-of-the-box solution for creating landing and listing pages using Layout Builder or Layout Paragraphs.

EBT/EPT Documentation pages: 

  • All Attendees
Session Category:
  • Site-Building
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