Welcoming sponsors

Sponsors are heroes

For the event that is free for all, we need you

Become a valued event sponsor

Since everything about Drupal is free, but the Camp does need some logistic and operational costs, such as coffee, food, print and the like, we do have to ask the ones who use Drupal for commercial purposes to sponsor the event.

If you are the one who wants to sponsor, please contact Milorad at [email protected] or +381 64 218 60 57 find the package that suits your company the best and check in with us for further arrangements.

PackageGoldenSilverParty SponsorBenefactor
Home Page  
Sponsors Page  
Roll Up  
A4 Table signs  
Printed schedules  
Newsletters prior52  
Newsletters post
Social media5511
Opening and closing ceremony background  
Price in EUR950450800*

We need your sponsorship to make this event great for everyone so any amount will help and make a difference. We have sposorship packages and also benefactor for anyone, company or individual wishing to contribute. All funds goes to Drupal Serbia to organise this and future events.

If you would like to be our sponsor or donate, please contact us at [email protected] or on Slack for further details.